Wednesday 25 March 2009

The life giving, living, always abiding word of God

having been born again, not of corruptible seed but incorruptible, through the word of God which lives and abides forever, - 1 Peter 1v23

Born again is a beautiful phrase. A new birth is always a joy. The first breaths are taken in and a baby which has spent months hidden away breaks forth into the world full off potential. In most cases everyone is excited at what this new birth might bring.

A new spiritual life is just as excited. A person who has been in the darkness of sin bursts forth into a whole new life. This new spiritual life is made possible by the incorruptible word of God. The amazing thing is that this word is not done working yet. It continues to live and abide in us giving us all the power we need for daily living.

The problem is that too many people don’t avail themselves of that power. The only way to get the word of God into our lives where it can work is for us to take it in through Bible study, devotions, and hearing godly teaching.

God’s word is alive and powerful. It still abides. Lets be sure that we let it live and abide in us.

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