Friday 23 November 2007

Encouraged together

“For I long to see you, that I may impart to you some spiritual gift, so that you may be established that is, that I may be encouraged together with you by the mutual faith both of you and me.” - Romans 1v11-12

Sometimes we can get the impression that it is up the pastor or the spiritual leader to be the one who does all the encouraging. Surely, we are tempted to think, the average Joe or Jane in the pew can’t have anything to offer.

As Paul wrote to Rome he said that he hoped that we would be able to come and give the church them some kind of spiritual gift, but he went on to explain, “That I may be encouraged together with you.” He went on to say what would accomplish that – “The mutual faith both of you and me.”

In the church everyone has something to contribute. We are all together to be encouraging each other with our mutual faith. The Lord does provide leaders and teachers to carry out the “formal” teaching, but that’s not where it ends.

Our church has a sharing time in our service where everyone shares answers to prayer and blessings for the week. There have been times, especially when I have been preaching, then that is my highlight of the week. I love the encouragement of mutual faith.

Let us never think that we have nothing to contribute. The sharing of our mutual faith may be exactly what someone else needs to hear.

Oh the wonderful joys of our mutual faith!

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