Friday 9 November 2007


Just after posting the blog today the story hit home in a very real way when I received a letter in the post.

A little background is needed. In 1998 while visiting a hospital in Alabama I happened across a high school classmate in the lift. We caught up a bit and he was interested in our ministry. Eventually he began to support us financially.

In 2002 when the ministry here seemingly collapsed a lot of negative things happened and my response to them was sometimes, shall we say, not the best. One of the events was this friend dropping our support for one which was having more success. I was a little "put out" as we say because, in retrospect, this was just another in a series of bad things happening. I wrote and told him that I understood, because that was the right thing to do.

Fast forward five years today. The letter mentioned above arrived in the post. I didn't have a clue why he would be writing after all this time. As I read it I was moved to tears. Let me include a couple of highlights.

"I still receive your newsletter and we continue to pray for you. I am really glad to see how the Lord continues to bless your ministry and to see it grow."

"[Wife's name] and I finally found our way to the cross, surprise. Even a sinner like me can be saved by the has been beautiful."

"Roger, I guess I just wanted to write and say thank you for not giving up on me. For you see by continuing to receive your newsletters I had another link to Jesus and I feel that by seeing your ministry grow I was encouraged to carry on, plus it gave me another reason to be closer to Him. So, "Thank you."

Did I think God knew what He was doing in 2002? At the time - I am afraid not. But God had a purpose in mine. It was not Rome, but it played a part in brining an old friend to Christ!

Praise the Holy Eternal Lamb of God to Whom be glory forever and ever.

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