Saturday 13 October 2007

But the word of God

“Then immediately an angel of the Lord struck him, because he did not give glory to God. And he was eaten by worms and died. But the word of God grew and multiplied.” - Act 12v23-24

I can’t imagine a clearer Biblical picture to show the difference between following the ways of the world and the word of God. Herod hated the Christians – he had increased in popularity for his persecution of them and as his prestige grew so did his arrogance and pride.

The people of Tyre and Sidon were also on Herod’s persecution list, but they sued for peace because their food supplies had been cut off. They came to him and he planned a day to receive them. He gave a speech, and the people, perhaps in a effort to befriend him, lauded his words and not the words of a man, but the words of a God.

Foolishly Herod accepted their adulation. God immediately struck him dead and allowed his body to be consumed by some type of skin worms. Suddenly, the words of this “god” were silenced.

But, and I love how often that English word has such impact in the Bible, but, the word of God grew and multiplied. In one instant God revealed the difference between following Him and following the world. One brings destruction, either now or later. The other brings life and growth.

Why then are man’s words and his ways so important to us? Should not our lives instead reflect the only thing that gives real life, the precious word of God?

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