Saturday 4 June 2005

Feed Me!

And Esau said to Jacob, Feed me, I pray thee with that same red pottage; for I am faint...”

- Genesis 25v30

Isaac and Rebekah could not have had twins who were more different. They struggled even before they were born. Esau, the first-born was rough and ruddy. He was a “tough guy” who loved the outdoors and hunting. In modern terminology he was a real man's man!

His younger twin Jacob was different. At birth he grabbed his brother's heel, gaining his name, Jacob, which literally means supplanter, but comes from the idea of being a “heel grabber”which in Eastern culture is one who is always attempting to supplant another's authority.

Jacob was a stay at home kind of guy. He preferred to stay home and be around the house. He was, literally, a “momma's boy” while Esau was loved by his elderly father.

One day Esau had been out in the fields and came home to find his brother making a stew. He was famished from the hunt and blurted out “Feed me!” Jacob saw his opportunity and worked out a deal, “If you give me your double portion of our inheritance I will give you some stew.”

Esau only had one thought in mind, “I need to eat. If I don't eat I am going to die anyway,” so he foolishly agreed to the deal. Esau sacrificed the eternal on the altar of the immediate.

Our first thought is to say, “How foolish. Esau gave up a fortune for a bowl of stew.” Yet, how often are we like Esau? Rather than wait to see God work we want to be fed now! We want to be fed with prosperity, success, and ease of life instead of waiting for the fullness of the blessing God has for us! Like Esau, we never know what God has in store. In our short-sightedness we cry out, “Feed me now with that bowl of stew.” O, that we might not be caught up with a fleshly focus. May we allow God to pour out His blessings on us in His perfect time. May we look for the double inheritance that God has in store for us instead of being content with a bowl of stew that only satisfies for the moment!

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