Tuesday 28 June 2005

Fear not to go

“…I am God…fear not to go down to Egypt…I will go down with you…” – Genesis 46v3-4

What wonderful news it was when Israel heard that Joseph was still alive. He was stunned – the Bible says that his heart stopped. He honestly must not have been able to believe it. Then his sons shared the news that they were supposed to move down to Egypt. How Israel must have struggled. God had told him that he would make a great nation in Canaan and give him all of the land, but now his long lost son is telling him to move to Egypt!

When Israel got to Beersheba he built an altar to worship God. When he did God came to him with some wonderful words of comfort. “Don’t be afraid to go to Egypt. I am going with you and will make a great nation there. You will return to the land I have promised you.”

God does not fail us in His promises. He commands never go anyplace that His promises don’t go. He never leads where He will not feed. Where God guides He provides. All of these are saying which express the truth that God does not forsake His people.

Wherever God directs us He will go with us and keep His promises. May we daily live in that knowledge.

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