Monday, 16 July 2012

Not enough to give?

Now Jesus sat opposite the treasury and saw how the people put money into the treasury. And many who were rich put in much. Then one poor widow came and threw in two mites, which make a quadrans. So He called His disciples to Himself and said to them, "Assuredly, I say to you that this poor widow has put in more than all those who have given to the treasury; for they all put in out of their abundance, but she out of her poverty put in all that she had, her whole livelihood." – Mark 12.41-44

The story of the widow's mite is one of those that always sticks in our minds. It is a beautiful example of what real giving is.

The setting is this. Jesus was standing near the Temple treasury watching as the people passed by dropping their money into the treasury. A lot of rich folks dropped by and as they did they dropped in huge wads of money. They had plenty of money and they were not afraid to give it. Everyone knew they were big givers.

Then a poor widow walked in. She reached into her purse and took out two tiny coins. Each coin was worth half a quadrans, A quadrans was worth about six minutes of a common labourers wage. In 2012 Ireland that works out to about 85 euro cent.

What possible good does eighty five cent do in the offering? Why did she even bother if that was all she could do? Those guys with the big donations were valuable givers, but not this lady. If there was a list of ‘The Temple’s Biggest Givers’ she would surely be at the bottom of the list.

Or would she?

That’s not what Jesus said. He said that she gave more than all these guys, because she gave out of her poverty. She was actually the Temple’s biggest giver. She put in everything she had. She gave it all.

Years ago Mary and I were teaching in a Christian school in Alabama. I think it was 1986 or 1987. Like most Christian schools we struggled financially. As a fundraiser they sold simple Christmas tree ornaments which were placed on a Christmas tree in the school foyer. We walked in one day and say that one of the ornaments had ‘Jay Parrow’ written on it. We were shocked. Jay was 5-6 and didn’t really have any money to give apart from a little birthday money.

When we asked him about we found out that he had given $5.00. We knew that was all he had. I don’t remember what he said when we asked him, but he was very matter of fact and clear that the money was no big deal. The school needed money and he had some, so it just made sense. In his childhood innocence Jay had the same mind-set as this poor widow.

We all live in tough economic times. For many of us money is short. However, most of us still find a way to do the things we want to do within reason. Church giving is dropping. Church budgets are getting desperate.  Missionary support is being cut. They doesn’t seem to be enough because people think they can’t give like they used to.

Too poor to give? Really? God honours giving out of poverty because it proves that we trust Him with the results of our giving. Jesus honoured this poor woman for giving in her poverty. We would do well to remember her the next time we think something like ‘I don’t have anything to drop in the offering this week.’ 

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