Tuesday 23 June 2009

Grumblers, complainers

These are grumblers, complainers, walking according to their own lusts; and they mouth great swelling words, flattering people to gain advantage. – Jude 1v16

I find this list of character traits of the false teachers in Jude fascinating. I also find the list challenging at times. I really don’t want to look like a false teacher. I don’t want my character traits in any way to make people think of them. That is one of the benefits of a teaching like this.

Grumbling. Complaining. Walking according to their own lusts. Speaking great swelling words. Flattering to get what they want. All of these characterise the false teachers.

I want to look at the first part of this verse today. There is a children’s song, and I don’t know it word for word, but it goes something like this. ‘Some people grumble, they dream of having more. They want a new doll, they want the dog who lives next door.’ Though intended for children these few words really express the essence of being discontent.

Here is an example. Last summer my family used Father’s Day and my birthday to buy me a new iPhone 3G. I was thrilled with it. I still am. I really like it a lot and am finding it very practical. I can email from anywhere. I never have to miss a Facebook update. I have several Bible translations at immediate access. Last week I bought a Strong’s concordance for it for $1.99. I love it!

But Apple has a new iPhone, the iPhone 3G S. You know what the ‘S’ stands for? Speed! Yes the new phone not only has a few neat new features, but it is fast. I haven’t even seen one yet, but this new phone is going to make mine look seem a dinosaur. As I was reading some reviews this morning I felt some twinges of the ‘new doll’ syndrome referred to above. After all, we all know that faster is better!

It is this kind of attitude, that if left unchecked, could lead to the grumbling, complaining, and walking according to my own lusts that Jude mentions here. This is where I need to stop, sit back, and check my attitude.

So what do I do now? Do I feel a little envious every time I see this new phone and complain, even to myself, that I don’t have one? Do I start figuring out what I can do to acquire one? Do I grumble, even inwardly while I wait ‘hours’ for my Bible on my old phone to open?

Or do I learn to be content and happy with what I have? I know what the false teacher would do. Do I really want to be like him?

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