Tuesday 12 June 2007

My soul rejoices in God my Saviour

Tuesday, 12th June, 2007

“And Mary said, My soul doth magnify the Lord, And my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour.” - Luke 1v46-47

Mary had had time to contemplate all that happened. She went to share the news with he cousin Elisabeth, who was also pregnant. After a joyful and exciting reunion where Elisabeth recognised who Mary was carrying Mary spoke of her perspective of the event. She said nothing about herself. From the very start of her comments she was full of praise to God.

She said her soul magnified Him, that He was her Saviour. She praised His character and His holiness. In spite of what was surely pubic shame and the whispers of the townsfolk Mary chose to glorify God instead of focusing on herself. We know what people thought for years later people still referred to Jesus as “the carpenter’s son.”

I am challenged by Mary’s example of praise. Does my own soul always magnify His name? Does my very spirit rejoice in God my Saviour? What a wonderful example this young woman is for us. May we have her spirit of humility!

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