Saturday 30 April 2005

nai erchomai kurious Iesus

nai erchomai kurious Iesus

A man sat on a rocky island, exiled there for His faith in Christ, roughly 1900 years ago and penned those simple words. What are those wonderful words? In our King James Bible they are the memorable words – “even so come Lord Jesus,” from Revelation 22v20.

What do you think went through John’s mind as his quill scratched across the writing surface? The last words of Christ in the Bible had just been uttered, “Surely, I come quickly.” According to legend and tradition John had suffered greatly for his faith. We are pretty certain that he was forcefully exiled to this island of Patmos. Most church historians agree that he had been boiled alive in oil and was terribly disfigured. A young man when our Lord was alive he was now approaching the end of his life. He may have been in despair, or full of anger at the Lord. Yet, what did John say? “nai erchomai kurious Iesus.” – “Even so, come Lord Jesus.”

Our fellow Christians though the years have had the same yearning. St Patrick wrote almost 1500 years ago – “…in whom [Christ] we believe, and whose advent we expect soon to be.” And yet, here we stand, hundreds of years on, and we still have not seen our Lord's return. Some have become disenchanted or discouraged. The news stories get worse and worse every day. Horrendous, unimaginable crimes are being committed. Our society at times appears to be coming apart at its very seams. Yet, we still await His coming. Whatever happened to, “Surely, I come quickly?”

The problem is that we think with our “man-mind” instead of the mind of God. Jesus ahs not broken His precious promise, He is coming quickly. We are to be ever ready, ever diligent, ever on guard as we await His appearing. Since He could say to John, “I come quickly,” and since St Patrick was eagerly awaiting His “soon advent,” how much closer is His glorious return today!

Lord, as we go about our task today, help us to do so with “one eye heavenward” as we look for your coming. Nai erchomai kurious Iesus! Even so, come Lord Jesus!